June 23rd in Massachusetts

The Coalition for Effective Public Safety - CEPS has joined the public actions the 23rd of each month to bring attention to the 80,000+ people held in solitary confinement across the U.S. on any given day and to end solitary confinement. This date emphasizes the 23 or more hours every day that people are kept in solitary confinement. Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity Coalition (PHSS) has helped launch statewide Coordinated Actions to End Solitary Confinement in California following the Pelican Bay hunger strike initiated in 2013 by people incarcerated there in response to the deplorable conditions they were being held in. Actions began in California in March 2015, and they started in Massachusetts in June 2015.

Here's the crew that helped chalk facts about solitary confinement in Massachusetts and nationwide. #EndSolitaryMA Members of the coalition from Prisoners' Legal Services, Criminal Justice Policy Coalition, Amnesty International and others came out!

To submit an event report, please send a description and pictures or links to us at togethertoendsolitary@gmail.com.