For 23 hours a day for months, years, even decades, some 80,000-100,000 adults and youth are held in solitary confinement in U.S. prisons, jails and detention centers. On the 23rd of every month, people across the U.S. are joining in actions to call for an end to the torture of solitary, at the recommendation of people incarcerated in Pelican Bay prison who led the momentous hunger strikes in California prisons.

We invite you to join the Together to End Solitary campaign.  See Upcoming Events and Submit Your Event for the Calendar.

Need ideas on how to take part?  Visit our previous event highlights page and event resources page. Also, download the Together to End Solitary brochure (print two-sided and fold).

The following organizations endorse the Together to End Solitary campaign.
(Organizations listed alphabetically)